Monday, November 7, 2011

Elenin and 11:11 for Skeptics: Thirteen Bizarre Coincidences

So Sept. 27 came and went with business as usual. What happened to Comet Elenin? It appears that "comet" Elenin isn't a comet at all, but, like I said in my earlier post, it is something controlled by NASA to line up on certain dates. Astromonical alignments do cause earthquakes (see Cornel's Mensur Omerbashich study "Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity"). However, sources from indicate that Elenin is not a physical object; it is a code. (This report is a MUST READ.)
Elenin didn't cause the earthquakes in Chile, New Zealand and Japan. HAARP caused them.

Perhaps as the public became more "hip" to the alignment phenomenon, The Powers That Be decided it was too risky to cause another HAARP-earthquake coinciding with an alignment. There have been many strange updates and inconsistencies in the official Elenin orbital diagrams, and now they appear to have changed again. (Yes, comets do change their trajectories, but this is not a comet. If it was a comet, we could all see it by now!) For days after the alignment, I was unable to access the orbital diagram on either or the NASA's Jet Propulsion Labratory site. Was it overloaded with traffic? Or were they changing the diagram again?
Now we've passed the dreaded alignment of Sept. 27, what is there to look forward to? Not so fast. There is still 11/9/11 and 11/11/11, which may be the most ominous dates of all. Should we risk pulling a Harold Camping and make another wacky prediction?

For the skeptics, let's list the strange "coincidences" surrounding Elenin. (To understand these coincidences, you must already have a grasp of the significance of the numbers 11 and 33 to Freemasonry. Also, if you don't understand all the terms referenced in this article, just do a quick google search for them.)

1. Elenin aligned with the Earth on/near the dates of the Chile (2/27/10), New Zealand (2/22/11) and Japanese (3/11/11) earthquakes. Someone calculated those odds to be 1.8 million to one. However, no earthquake occurred on the Sept. 27 alignment. So were the earlier dates just coincidences? Keep reading...

2. A prominent Chilean astronomer, Sergio Toscano, believes that Elenin is a guided object and is followed by spacecraft.

3. There is evidence from HAARP's own data that it caused the Japanese earthquake.
graph from HAARP's official website
This makes sense considering theIntelhub's tip that Elenin is not a physical object capable of causing earthquakes, it's just a code. According to their source, the name stands for "Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November". This encodes the number ELE-vin NINe, also the dates 11/9 and 9/11. It may also refer to the Leonid meteor showers in November.

4. Sorcha Faal/David Booth pointed out that the orbital diagram from NASA was credited to "Otto Matic". You can confirm this on NASA's site
Oddly enough, "Otto Matic" is also the name of a computer game which was originally to be released on 9/11/01. Guess what the plot is about? A robot searching for Planet X!!!.

5. The movie "Deep Impact" is also about a comet named ELE, discovered by LEO Biederman. Elenin was supposedly discovered by LEOnid ELEnin. Although made years ago, "Deep Impact" features a black president! Here are a few more similarities in the movie:
  • The launch of the space shuttle Atlantismeeting the Russians on the ISS. Will the ISS be forced to sacrifice itself to supposedly divert the comet? Will this be another occult mass sacrifice? Will be it be the Hopi's "dwelling place in the heavens" that falls to Earth?
  • Bringing the troops home to quell unrest caused by the comet. (Obama just announced we are getting out of Iraq.)
  • Fights over the US budgets signal the time to disclose the comet.
  • The resignation of the “Secretary of Treasury” for personal reasons in August Iin real life, Sec. of the Treasury Geithner's resignation was discussed widely in August 2011.)
  • “The Messiah is the largest space vehicle ever constructed”—So is the ISS (Issa is Arabic for Jesus/Messiah).
  • August 16th: date of impact. Also the date that Earth crosses Comet Honda’s orbital path, 0.082AU.
  • Wall clock set to 911 (WTC attack). Sept 11, 2011—Elenin closest point to the sun.
  • Elenin’s orbital path similar to comet in movie.
  • Captured frame matches, JPL Orbital sim., from June 23rd 2011. See here.
  • E.L.E. = Elenin (Extinction Level Event). Movie: a boy called Leo discovers comet with small telescope. Real life: Leonid Elenin discovers Elenin with small telescope. Comet discovered in Leo. (Some doubt Leonid Elenin actually exists, and that his name is code for the upcoming event)
  • In "Deep Impact", a second, less well-known comet is the real threat. Sort of like asteroid YU55 and Elenin.
  • President Morgan Freeman announces there will be "no hoarding" of food, and "you will pay your bills". Let's see if this one comes true this week!


    6. Google "11133" and look at the first two results. is an email supposedly sent by Leonid Elenin to NASA and is numbered "11133". You can see it here if NASA hasn't taken it down yet. I've also included a screenshot in case it's removed. Look at the second and fourth lines.

    The first hit from the search is the address It is a google earth file with a huge red X over the ocean near the Aluetian Islands. Could this be the impact area of the asteroid? Will HAARP trigger a tsunami from in area? Just like in "Deep Impact", one asteroid hits and destroys the East Coast, this one could hit and destroy the West Coast. Here is a screenshot:

    7. As shown in the report "Drills, Drills and More Drills 11/9, there are several large emergency drills taking place Nov. 9-11th. One is the largest ever tsumani drill PACWAV11. This drill pretends a tsunami will come from exactly the location where the big red X was! This excellent video explains the 11133 and tsunami coincidences.

    8. The alien invasion movie "Skyline" was released on 11/11/10. The alien invasion movie "Battle LA" was released on 3/11/11, the day of the Japanese earthquake. "11-11-11" is a movie due to be released on that date. It's based on the real-life reports of 11:11 synchronicities from around the world. In the movie, the date 11/11/11 at 11:11pm opens the doorway to the spirit world and all hell breaks loose. (As I explained in my earlier post "Sh&t hits the fan by Sept. 27", the 11:11 phenomenon in my life has often been connected with Jesus and the Rapture.)

    9. "Battle LA" begins with a meteor shower that becomes an alien invasion. On 11/9/11 Earth will supposedly pass through the debris tail of Elenin, causing an intense meteor shower, perhaps the most intense in history! (See Matthew 24:29, Isaiah 34:4, Revelation 6:13 for the significance of meteor showers in the End Times.)

    10. Dr. Werner von Braun confessed on his deathbed to Dr. Carol Rosin, that the US government was preparing to announce a STAGED comet/Earth collision to enact martial law. He also said that later would come the announcement of a STAGED alien invasion.

    11. As if that wasn't enough, FEMA will have it's first ever nationwide emergency broadcast test on Nov. 9th. These drills and tests may be a distraction from the real threat, just like on Sept. 11 there was a airplane hijacking drill, and on 7/7, the day of the London bombings, there was also a terrorist drill. These drills were later blamed for the confusion.

    12. The perihelion of the "comet" Elenin was on 9/11/11, ten years to the day after the world trade center attacks. (Dec. 21, 2012 will be exactly 11 years and 101 days after 9/11/01. President G. H.W. Bush made a speech introducing the term "New World Order" on Sept. 11, 1990, exactly eleven years before the Sept. 11th attacks.)

    Still not convinced? How about one more hard-to-explain coicidence?

    13. There is another movie due to be released on 11/11/11. It's by Lars von Trier, director of "Antichrist". It's called "Melancholia", and it's about the Earth being destroyed by a collision with another planet.

    Do you see the Matrix yet Neo?

    NOTE: Look at the time on the first screenshot. In all seriousness, I DIDN'T DO THAT ON PURPOSE, it was just a coincidence.

    Friday, September 23, 2011

    A dwelling place in the heavens...

    Hopi prophecy states that during the time of the Blue Star Katchina, "a dwelling place will fall from the heavens". I had heard about the Upper Atmosphere Research Station (UARS) that was crashing to earth, but they changed the date and now say it will be Sept. 23 or 24th. It could be a possible fulfillment. Then after that, the Katchina will "take off his mask" and reveal his identity. UFO disclosure? UFO and Blue Beam deception? The next few days will tell. See my previous post "Sh*t hits the fan by Sept. 27?"

    Below is a somewhat-reliable website to keep an eye on "comet" Elenin and the satellite.
    There's something happenin' here...what it is ain't exactly clear.
    There have been TWO other earthquakes/alignments on 9/18 in Nepal and  9/23 in Tonga. It also explains how Elenin will be between the Earth and the Sun for three days, Sept 26-28, perhaps creating the Biblical three days of darkness.
    Also a massive fish die-off happened in China. The passing of Elenin and the solar cycles could wreak havoc on birds, fishes, whales and other creatures that use navigation. As I'm writing this, there is a very large flock of Common Grackles taking over my yard. I've never seen them in a flock this big, and never around our house. Spooky.

    Christ or Antichrist alert!!! Torah code expert speaks on salvation coming in 2012. He says the Japanese earthquake is the beginning of the end.

    Also, an amazing story about a top rabbi who left a secret note to be opened a year after his death. He said the note contained the identity of the Messiah as it was revealed to him. The note contained a code for the name of Jesus!

    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    Mind Control Artwork

    I found all these in issue 14 of the art magazine "High Fructose". I don't know if the other issues reference abuse and mind control as much, but I was amazed. The majority of the depictions of women were of strange, doll-like and very pre-pubescent looking girls. There were also a lot of monsters and demons.If you are not already familiar with Monarch mind control symbolism, check out

    Above: The magazine cover. An innocent-looking deer being afflicted with three heads/personalities and a set of butterfly wings.
     Right: Alternate personality tormenting a woman.

    Top left: A sad girl without hands. Also butterfly wings.          
    Top right: A young girl lost without clothes.                           
    Bottom left: Emphasis on one eye and the tongue.              
    Bottom right: Baphomet                                                       

    Left: This whole picture screams sexual abuse. Notice the young girl is actually topless, her clothes are in
    tatters and her hair is messed up. "Ouchclub" sounds like a child's name for what a pedophile would do to her.

     Left: Eyeless sex slave.
    Right: Another girl without eyes. Notice the bondage collar and the spider with the single eye and tongue out

                                                      Wouldn't be mind control without Mickey!

    Top left: Dominating a passive, doll-like, pre-pubescent girl.
    Top right: The single eye with rays coming out of it.
    Middle: Cute animals use crystals, rods, chalices and pentagrams to do magic.
    Bottom: Animals watch a city burn from the safety of a country bungalow. Is this what the elites will be doing soon? A sign reads "Do you know Charlie?" No idea on that one.

    Keep in mind, these are all from ONE issue. I don't even have space to include all the paintings of sad, doll-like girls that the magazine had. There were a lot. The artwork is so well done, I wish they could choose better subjects. I like creepy surrealism, but it's like all the artists chosen for the magazine had this definite feel to their work, a theme I guess. And the theme seems to be Monarch mind control. Does the Illuminati rule the art world too?

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    Sh*t hits the fan by Sept. 27?

    Noticing a strange pattern:
    1. "Comet" Elenin is due to align with Earth, Mercury and the Sun on Sept. 27, 2011. The past three times an alignment happened, there was a massive earthquake.
    2. Sorcha Faal reports that Obama will be in Denver, headquarters of the NWO, on Sept. 27 for a never-before-attempted  DEFCON 1 "Cocked Pistol" drill. DEFCON 1 is code for the most severe situation, which indicates "immanent nuclear war" according to Wikipedia. Sept. 27, 1777 is also an occult number (7777) and important date historically, the date when the US capitol moved to Pennsylvania for one day, according to Faal aka David Booth of the CIA.
    3. There was a report of possible nuclear attacks on 9/11/11, but it never happened. Maybe they were wrong about the date? Maybe it's late Sept. instead? The same report mentions that are the Kuwaitis are moving their consolate out of the US by Sept. 26. Do they know something?
    4. Palestine will be bringing its case to the UN any day now. Israel is making threats. Turkey and Iran are making counter-threats. This feels ominous.

    UPDATE Sept 23, 7am: 
    Apparently I'm not the only one who has noticed this falls in line with "Comet" Elenin. (see here and here) has confirmed some of the above report. It is now public knowledge that Obama will be in Denver on Sept. 27. NASA will also be in the Denver area at that time due to a science exhibition. They will probably be one of the 81 agencies taking part in a massive terrorism drill called Operation Mountain Guardian, taking place later today (Sept. 23). This drill has been announced to the public. Emergency drills have been used to confuse the situation on days for false flag terror operations. The most famous is the NORAD drill that took place on Sept. 11, 2001 which involved a "scenario" where jets flew into the WTC.
    Palestine is set to make its case to the UN today (Sept. 23).  That leaves a few days for the nuclear saber-rattling to escalate and the sh$t could hit the fan right around, let's guess, Sept. 27??? Coincidentally, legislators in the UN, the UK and the US will all be in recess at that time.

    Could this be the time of the Blue Star Katchina, who some claim is Elenin? The Hopi prophecy says that "a dwelling place will fall from the heavens". NASA reports a major satellite falling out of control on Sept. 22 (see here). This is a *possible* explanation. After that, the Blue Star Katchina "will take off his mask in the plaza in front of the children". This is explained as meaning that the Katchina will reveal his identity to the general public, the uninitiated. This could mean that Elenin will reveal its identity, not as a comet, but as something else all together! An alien space craft? A NASA-controlled body that is meant to line up on certain special days? However, only the Hopi themselves can confirm the Blue Star Katchina.

    Late Sept. could be the time for a "triggering" event to start WWIII and the New World Order. The Anti-Christ, or maybe the Anti-Anti-Christ could come on the scene by Oct. 28, 2011, the (possibly) false date of the end of the Mayan calendar. Many near-death experiencers have prophesied about the end of the United States. They sat it will come about when our economy collapses, and the rest of the world won't help us because of our past crimes. The Hopi say the US will be destroyed by nukes, since we were the first to use them against others.

    Ain't karma a bitch?

    I pray that this hunch is wrong. We might have to wait till 12/21/2012 to see the NWO, I had thought that the day might bring a positive event, till I read that Sept. 11, 2011 is 11 years and 101 from 12/21/2012, and 12/21/2012 adds up to 11 in numerology. The calendar ends on 11:11 am. See Advent of Deception and my video "Jesus Predicted 2012".

    I've been seeing a lot of 11:11s lately, but that has happened before. I don't what it means. I think it has something to do with Jesus and the Rapture. The first time I saw it was right after I finished "The New Age Nightmare", which turned me from that movement to gnostic Christianity. Another strange time was when I was reading about the supposed Rapture on May 21, 2011. I've seen it in more times and places than I can remember, ever since I read about it last summer. The strangest of all is this: last year I bought a Bible online for my study, just some random cheap paperback Bible for my reading. It developed a crack in the spine, so that it always wanted to open to the same page. The first verse on that page is Matthew 24:7 "For just as lightening flashes in the East, and is seen as far as the West, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." Guess what page it is? Page 1111.

    Using Ahimsa when dealing with the authorities

    In Hinduism and Buddhism, "ahimsa" is the principle of non-violence, an ideal that every soul should strive for. It means to do no harm to other beings, whether animal, plant or human. It means following the Golden Rule. To truly live ahimsa, one needs to do more than avoid violence. The person must renounce all feelings of retaliation, anger and revenge, no matter how justified those feelings are.
    I've watched several videos of police clashing with activists in America, and it always upsets me. The videos usually follow a similar pattern: Activists try to push the envelope, the authorities issue unconstitutional orders, activists refuse to obey the illegal orders, and then the activists are arrested for "resisting arrest without violence" or "disturbing the peace".
     But what if the activists incorporated the principle of ahimsa? They are already refraining from physical violence, but that doesn't matter to modern cops. What if the activists resisted the urge to argue and yell? It's a difficult thing to ask, those moments of confrontation are charged with adrenaline. But if activists behave in a way that challenges the police, the police will of course feel threatened and retaliate. The police consider their fellow officers to be brothers and sisters, and activists to be trouble-makers. When they feel attacked emotionally, they will attack in return and stand up for their fellow officers. They are waiting for you to screw up. Why play into their hands?
    Incorporating ahimsa could lead to a new strategy in dealing with police. First, if at all possible, follow their orders. Remain calm while doing so. As you are complying, explain to them politely why they are in the wrong. Appeal to them as fellow Americans, as fellow human beings, as fellow mothers or fathers. Mention our Founding Fathers. Most importantly, explain that you are not against THEM, you are against whatever issue you are demonstrating about. Use phrases like "I know this is just your job..." or "I know you are just trying to follow orders and keep things safe". they will appreciate it. They are also fellow human beings. They should be treated nicely, not necessarily because they are nice, but because you will be taking the moral high ground by embracing ahimsa. Then they will feel worse about pushing you around*. And it will look much better on youtube. Recently I saw a video where a black man was shot multiple times for boarding a bus without a ticket. He lay on the sidewalk, struggling and dying as police and an angry, yelling crowd gathered around. They had every right to be angry. But  what if someone had started saying a prayer for the dying man, or singing a hymn? The video would be twice as famous, and the cops would have looked twice as bad. The public response might have been different. A yelling crowd is a dangerous "riot" to TV viewers. People singing over the cops is something to inspire generations.
    Ahimsa is not groveling to the police. There is no shame in it. It takes a strong person to control their anger. No one can stand against the force of non-violence, not the British empire in India, not the bigots of the American south. Ahimsa shall overcome.

    Anyone interested in police brutality, check out

    *All this does not apply if you happen to deal with a cop with Anti-social personality disorder. They will NOT sympathize with you. In that case, keep your mouth closed and God help you.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    Endgame Timeline: What to expect in the next three months

    As the saying goes, time is accelerating. You can certainly feel it lately! We can barely keep up. First the credit downgrade, then stock market crash, now international calls for a new world currency. Then a computer chip that is part of your skin. And suddenly the mainstream media is running stories about "what would happen if..." our planet experienced a real, or faked, alien invasion. (videos here). Yes, people on "normal" TV shows, talking about aliens! After all, even the Catholic church is officially "cool" with the whole idea of aliens. CNN recently ran a story admitting Planet X is real. A year ago anyone who claimed there were "invisible planets" lurking in the solar system was considered a nut who needed medication. Anyone who claimed that the US dollar would be replaced by a global currency was an extremist wacko. Now it's on the TV, it's all happening right in front of our eyes, and the wackos and paranoiacs were right after all. It's on the television, so it must be real, right?
    Then there is another disturbing trend in the media: Pundits talking about how only a "terrorist attack" can save Obama's ratings. The govt seems to be playing up the 10th anniversary of 9/11 on 9/11/11. I mean, c'mon, 11/11, it's too good to pass by. Then there are disturbing insider reports like this, basically saying that 5 cities in the US will be nuked in a couple weeks. Things are getting very, very dicey. hosted a video that really put it all together and gave me some clues as to what might transpire within the next two and a half months. is run by the CIA, and I'm guessing many of its readers are CIA. They know how to sort through the bu*#sh@t and pick out the clues and warnings within the site. (Careful readers of the site will notice that most of the links are in red, sometimes blue, and very rarely purple. These are the most significant colors in Freemasonry: the Red and Blue Lodges, with purple for special members.) The site hosted an online movie, "Awakening As One" which claims that the Mayan calendar will end on Oct. 28, 2011, based on Calleman's famous 9th Wave theory. The film also discusses a version of the Hopi prophecy that includes not only the Blue Katchina, but a Red Katchina and two early heralds, or nephews, of the Blue Katchina. I hadn't heard this version of the prophecy before, I don't know if it is accurate. Without watching the whole repetitive movie, here is what the movie predicts, and which I believe is accurate.
    1. The "fifth day" is our current time. It saw the credit downgrade of the US and all that followed. The Great Depression also occurred on a "fifth day". Right now we are in a time when the two heralds of the Blue Katchina, the comets Honda and Levi are approaching Earth.
    2. The "fifth night" ends in early Sept. The movie predicts a nuclear attack happening at this time. (9/11/11 maybe?) The US blames the nuke on Iran, starting WWIII. As a result, the US dollar crumbles, and society begins unraveling because of inflation. Around this time "a dwelling place falls from the heavens", the Blue Katchina (identified as Elenin) causes three days of night, possibly through ash blocking the sun. Cryptozoologists have a field day as strange animals appear around the world. The Hopi cease their ceremonies.
    3. A fake alien attack is carried out by the world powers, just like Werner Von Braun told Dr. Carol Rosin before he died. The aliens seem unbeatable. People pray for a miracle, the world unites in desperation
    4. The Antichrist leads humans to defeat the (fake) aliens. Although the the film strictly avoids the words "antichrist"or "God", it does talk about a "false savior". The movie predicts that the world will rally behind him to establish a better economy, called the NWO, with RFID chips required to get food or healthcare. Who is the Antichrist? According to the film, it's Obama!
    5. The Red Katchina, the brown dwarf called "the Purifier", finally arrives. The Mayan calender ends on Oct. 28. All life is changed for the better. The false savior is overthrown. The fifth world begins.

    I believe this timeline is mostly accurate. However, there is no way the Antichrist is going to be some Jack-van-Impe-style politician like Obama. It's too obvious. Any Antichrist worth his salt will have to stage another Antichrist to defeat, an Anti-Anti-Christ. Yes, it's complicated, I know. I think Obama may be that patsy I call the Anti-Anti-Christ. He is the only one this movie suggests as a possibility. There is the thing with 666 and the Illinois lottery. There is plenty more stuff you can read online about Obama as the Antichrist. He may be playing the role of Puzzle the Donkey from C.S. Lewis' "The Last Battle" (the true Antichrist being represented by "Tashlan", for those Narnia fans). He will be overthrown by the real, spiritual, Antichirst, and everyone will be happy to hate on a black man with the name Hussein, and pin him as the Antichrist.
    Electronic Skin Tattoo
    The movie says that the Antichrist will want us to worship him. I think this is a very crude interpretation. The true Satan will tempt us to worship ourselves, to "get in touch with our own divinity". Don't get me wrong, all souls have the spark of God inside them, but the Antichrist will twist that around to make us worship ourselves, not him! The movie makes no mention of Maitreya. So here is my best guess at the rest of the timeline:
    6. Oct 28 is falsely hailed as the end of the Mayan calendar. The Antchrist, the false Maitreya, defeats the Anti-Anti-Christ. The spiritual NWO is set up. All humans are given a choice to accept the Mark (electronic skin tattoo) or die. There are great plagues and disasters.
    7. The Mayan calendar ends on Dec 21, 2012. Around that time Quetzalcoatl/Jesus Christ returns, just like he promised the Indian tribes long ago. The false Maitreya is defeated.  Humans evolve with the Earth and her species. It's paradise.

    "Awakening As One" is certainly part of the New Age deception. It completely avoids saying "God" or "Jesus" or "Antichrist". Parts near the end sounds like they were strangely edited over. But it's important not to get too mired down in skepticism and paranoia. Most of the movie is true. We are evolving. Most people will go through pain in the coming months as their view of the world is shattered. We will all face the choice to accept the NWO or die. We must give up our efforts to change our surroundings, and instead change ourselves so that we can see the Divine Justice of karma in every event, happy or sad. We must let go and trust God. Amen.

    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    Three Musketeers Subliminal Image

    Trust Disney to come up with something pervy. Look at how the central character's hand and sword handle are positioned. It is a LOT more obvious when you see the poster in real life in the theater, rather than this picture. It is unmistakably a dude holding out his wang just like in a porn pose. 

    666 in Avatar: The Last Airbender

    I hate to bash "Avatar: The Last Airbender", because really I enjoyed it and it's fantasy-world mix of fantasy-Asian cultures. It makes me so angry when the Satanic elite mix truth and falsehood. They take ideas like: Save the environment  Demand peace. Respect all faiths. Their agenda twists these truths by using them for their own purposes, making it so every time I see a movie about the environment or global unity, I get suspicious. Sigh. But ultimately, truthfully, "Avatar" promotes the coming Antichrist. The Airbender is the "special child" who arrives supernaturally, after being prophesied about for years. He is here to save the world, and he can do things no one else can. And his eyes glow. And he has three spirals, 666, the Mark of the Beast on his forehead! (cf. Rev13:16) The elemental symbols from the animated series also have hidden 666s.

    Transformers 3: Chicago is Ground Zero!

    With illuminated pyramid + capstone

    For those of you who don't know the back story, Transformers is about a race of powerful alien-robots who came to our plant and offered help and knowledge. The movie says that they decided to use their powers for good, by "helping solve human conflict" or something like that. The very next shot shows the Transformers ambushing this Iranian border station and totally wasting the whole place. Would that really make the world a better place?! Except some aliens don't want to help humans, these are the "bad guys". The bad guys set up this series of red and blue glowing tubes that will somehow transport their home planet near Earth once activated. (Ever notice how many sci-fi movies use the same glowing red and blue colors opposite each other, always indicating something supernatural or powerful? The vision scenes in "Avatar: the Last Airbender" are a good example. Also check out the spaceships in the new "War of the Worlds". Also see my post on Once you notice it, you see it's everywhere. I think it relates to Red and Blue Masonry.)
    Red and blue are used extensively in Kubrick's "The Shining". Notice the clothes and the papers on the table.

     Nothing too interesting in this film except they depict the National Security Agency as a bunch of unnecessarily secretive, power-hungry bastards. But they are ultimately there to help us humans according to this movie. Awww.

    When Sam is in Chicago, he finds a fallen surveillance droid that allows him to communicate with the NSA command center. (See, those surveillance droids that will be flying over America are good and helpful!) The thing is, the drone has a eye-in-the-pyramid symbol on it! It was similar to the "laser hazard" symbol on the right, but with a white background, and without the one extending ray. Just as when a speaker points with two fingers, indicating "What I'm about to say is a Masonic message for those who know", I think this symbol is indicating a Masonic message to follow. The scary part is, right after you see this eye-in-a-pyramid symbol, Sam yells into the drone camera "Chicago is GROUND ZERO! Do you understand? Chicago is ground zero!" Huh? I had no idea what he was talking about. He then explains that Chicago contains the master red tube-thing that will trigger all the others. Oh, that's what he means by "ground zero". Seemed more like he was saying "Chicago is the first place the aliens will attack!!!". Could that be the real Masonic message? Do you understand?! Chicago is GROUND ZERO!
    Also, the ridiculous scenes where alien droids glide through skyscrapers looking for humans remind me very much of the same kind of scenes in Skyline. An alien-infested high rise is not a place I would want to be. Let's just say I don't plan on visiting any large cities any time soon! I would advise my reader to do the same....

    Wednesday, June 22, 2011

    Pushing Red #40- A New Conspiracy?

    Notice the slurpee!
    Watching and re-watching the TV show "Fringe", I thought it was odd how often the characters ate red licorice. Walter eats it, Peter eats it. Ok, that makes sense, they are eccentric. But why is one of the silver-blooded soldiers from another world shown eating red licorice? No explanation. Then I saw George Clooney eating it while driving in "The Men Who Stare at Goats". No explanation is given, nothing in the plot that would explain why the director chose to film them eating this particular candy. " Wayne's World" and the recent alien flick "Super 8" also promote it. "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" features a shot of a red cup full of red licorice that almost fills the entire screen. Walter from "Fringe" also has a penchant for red slurpees. He's even shown drinking one on the cover of the season two DVD case. It is the only thing on the cover that is colorful. .It is easier to see in real life instead of the above photo. But why bother? What does it mean?
    Turns out both red slurpees and red licorice are dyed with Red #40. Many people are allergic to it. It's also a known carcinogen. Why is it being promoted?  Have they increased the toxicity of it? Just another way of depopulation?
    After watching "Transformers: Dark of the Moon", I planned to include the red licorice sighting on this post. As I was leaving the theater, what should happen to be directly on my path? A single stick of red licorice. Just letting me know that I really am living in the matrix I guess.

    The Men Who Stare at Goats

    What's that in the background of the movie poster?
    "Men Who Stare at Goats" is a must-see for any conspiracy buff. The two main characters meet each other because one of them is doodling a familiar symbol: a pyramid made of bricks, with a large eye in the capstone. This drawing is noticed by George Clooney, who then initiates the main character and allows him to become one of the elites, those who know what that symbol means.
    This doodle is a turning point in the plot.
     It also appears in the background of the New Earth Army, and it's inverted for the logo of the evil company that Kevin Spacey runs. Inversion is important is Dark magic: just look at the inverted cross of Satanism, the inverted pentagram used in the Republican logo. Or ever wonder why Sheriffs' deparments use an inverted septagram as their logo?
    Kevin Spacey's company uses psychic powers for experimentation and torture. The movie says they are "the dark side". Of course blaming an evil private company distracts the viewers from the fact that our own military has had a long-standing policy of supporting torture and experimentation on human (and animal) subjects.
    The evil company's logo-an inverted triangle with a central eye.
    In the film, George Clooney explains that the eye-in-the-pyramid is a symbol of the Ajna chakra, the Third Eye. This is to deceive the uninformed movie viewer. The ajna energy center, or Third Eye, is involved in psychic powers and intuition, making it a perfect "cover story" for this movie. The Third Eye is symbolized by many things: the colors indigo or white, the Moon, Neptune and the unicorn, but never a pyramid with an eye. The All-Seeing-Eye is loosely associated with the Third Eye, but this movie is deceiving the audience. The Eye-in-the-Pyramid represents the Masons, the Illuminati, the Eye of Horus, Satan and the Demiurge himself watching over our world control grid like Sauron glowering over Middle Earth. The Third Eye has another symbol entirely.
    Ayurvedic symbol for the Third Eye, or Ajna Chakra.

    Sauron watching the world--DARPA's first logo. The Latin translates to "Knoweldge is power."

    And it is no accident that the goat is such a central motif is the movie. The "horny goat" or Baphomet is a beloved symbol of the Occult dark side. In the climax of the film, George Clooney rescues a goat from cruel experimentation. I am completely opposed to animal experimentation, but I'm just saying, doesn't George carrying the goat remind you of an inverted Jesus, carrying his lost lamb?

    The fictional "New Earth Army" is based on the very real "First Earth Battalion" described in the book "Men Who Stare at Goats" by Jon Ronson. It's actual training manual is available in full at It is chock full of symbols and ideas, a great example of "partial disclosure"---mixing truths and lies. You can even get T-shirts for you or your dog with the fictional New Earth Army logo on it. If you feel like wearing the All-Seeing-Eye and Baphomet on your person!

    FOX's "Fringe"

    There is a lot to say about the TV show Fringe. Here are a few of the things I've noticed. Feel free to add more.
    1. In Episode 9, Olivia discovers a piece of paper with MONARCH written on it. This is never really explained or resolved. She also researches monarch butterflies and royal monarchs. In Season 3, "Bloodline", the pregant Fauxlivia is shown in front of a picture of a monarch butterly in the hospital. Project Monarch in real life is a CIA/Illuminati mind-control program, inflicted on children mostly. Mind control is a theme of the show. For more, see Project Monarch.

    2. In the pilot, Olivia charges a suspect with breaking "Code 1111". For occult meaning of 1111, see here.

    3. The Cortexiphan subjects represent the Star Children or Starseed- warriors with psychic powers who need to be "activated" to protect our world.

    Red and blue in a nod to Twin Peaks.
    4. The red and blue symbolism is overwhelming. Blue represents our world, red represents the parallel universe. It also happens to symbolize the two colors of Lodges in Freemasonry. Besides the actual DVDs of Season 3, the red/blue opposition is in every episode multpile times, far too many to write down. The color scheme of Fringe is very controlled: the background almost always consists of greys and browns. Any color stands out, and is intended to by J.J. Abrams. For example, see how many pink roses are in the house in "6B". The reds and blues stand out purposefully, they are everywhere in the background. Sometimes a golden yellow color is also added, as in the three paintings on Walternate's wall, or the balloons in the Cabbage Patch Doll shop in the finale of Season 2.

    5. Olivia is "Subject 13" (occult number) in the trials. I haven't figured out any significance behind the numbers in "Amber 31422" or "6995 KHZ". Anybody have an idea?

    6. The Red #40 thing. On the cover of Season 2, Walter is drinking a red slurpee, dyed with Red #40. The red slurpee also appears in "Concentrate and Ask Again".  And Walter loves red licorice, also Red #40. Peters obtain red licorice for Walter three times in Season 3 and many times in Seasons 1 and 2. Ok, so it's just a Walter eccentricity, right? Wrong. In "The Abducted", Olivia and alternate-Charlie discuss and eat Red Vines licorice. In Season 1, the Observers are shown drinking red slurpees outside the theater. William Bell for some strange reason, is chewing on red licorice as he and Walter drive along in the finale of Season 2. By Season 3, it's become a joke. Peter says "I never did understand why Walter loves licorice so much." Just a director's quirk or something more? See my post Pushing Red #40?

    7. "The First People" sound a lot like the Atlanteans. And Walter mentions that once we had much higher mental and psychic capabilities, but our brains were altered, "I suspect by aliens" he says. They are called Annunaki in real life, and if you haven't read about them, do it!

    8. Peter, the special boy born to save both worlds, is a Christ/Anti-Christ like figure. He also has glowing eyes in the drawing, just like the Messiah figure in "Avatar, The Last Airbender".

    9. The "alternate universe" is basically a preview of life under the New World Order, complete with ubiquitous biometric ID cards, food rationing, and cameras everywhere. Besides the military taking over the Statue of liberty!

    10. In the finale of Season 3, the show takes up a totally new plot line in the future world of 2021. In this future, there is a group of terrorists called the "End-of-Dayers". They are blowing up innocent people to somehow fulfill their prophecy of a savior and hasten the "end of days". This is code for Christian terrorists. It's just like in the Jack van Impe movie "Apocalypse 2: Revelation", where the New World Order plants bombs to kill kids then blames it on the Christians. (Not that I am a Jack van Impe fan, by any means.) But this is creepily coinciding with a leaked report on who law enforcement considers to be "potential domestic terrorists". This is how it's gonna be when the NWO takes over. The Christians and any one who resists will be falsely accused.

    "So how does a person qualify as a potential domestic terrorist?  Based on the training I have attended, here are characteristics that qualify:

    • Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
    • Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
    • Survivalist literature (fictional books such as "Patriots" and "One Second After" are mentioned by name)
    • Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
    • Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
    • Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
    • Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
    • Homeschooling
    • Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
    • Belief in a New World Order conspiracy"

    URGENT: Comet Elenin predictive programming indicates alien contact in Fall 2011

    For those of you who don't know, Comet Elenin is due to pass very close to the Earth this fall, closer than the moon, closer than any comet in history.(CORRECTION: It will not be closer to the Earth than the moon.) We have already been in alignment with it and the Sun three times, according to NASA's own simulation ( Each of those days experienced a major earthquake (2/27/10, Chile; 2/22/11, New Zealand; and 3/11/11, Japan). The comet will align with us and the sun two more times, both this fall. We will also pass through it's tail this fall, causing what may the biggest meteor shower in history. Could this be the time in Revelation 6:13 when "the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places"?  Sergio Toscano, director of Astronomical Missions of Research for Chile, speculates that the "globular cluster" tailing the comet/brown dwarf is actually an alien fleet. This 'comet" surely could be Niburu, the home of the Annunaki, the bringer of natural disasters, "the Purifier" to Native Americans, "Planet X" to scientists, "Wormwood" in the Christian Bible.
    Elenin was supposed discovered by an "amateur astronomer" named Elenin, but since this guy doesn't seem to have existed until a few years ago, he's probably fake. Besides, how could an amateur pull that off?
    For the story on Elenin, read this

    Elenin in "Fiction":

    "The Event" is a TV show where a black president wants to tell the American public about ETs. (see here). There is also a black president wrestling with disclosure in the film "Deep Impact".   In that movie an amatuer astronomer discovers a comet that will crash into earth. The comet is referred to as "E.L.E." for "extinction-level-event". But this movie was made in 1998! How could they have known that in the near future a comet called "ELE-nin", discovered by an amateur astronomer,  would come extremely close to the Earth, and a black president would have to announce it? How would they know, unless the Illuminati is pulling the strings behind everything?

    Even more disturbing is the take-home message of Battle LA (same name as WWII UFO battle that took place in real life). For those who haven't seen it, don't bother. It seems to be entirely designed for people in the military. Giving them a subconscious preparation for what is to come maybe? In the movie, what is called a "meteor shower", like the one predicted this fall, actually turns out to be a full-on invasion of Earth. You can see in one of the TV's that the soldiers are watching, that the day of the meteor shower is 4/11/11. The movie was released in the US on 3/11/11. (For 11:11 and the Illuminati, see here) This whole black president/comet/ELE/meteor thing is way beyond coincidence, and anyone who read this should be seriously disturbed! Just before dying, Werner von Braun gave an interview to a Dr. Rosin, where he disclosed three "deceptions" that would happen in the future. First, that a fake terrorist attack would be used by the govt. to further their agenda. Second, the govt. would announce a comet will crash into Earth- also a hoax to scare people into their agenda. Finally, he said the govt would announce an alien invasion, which would also be hoaxed.
    There seems to be a real spate of movies and TV shows about aliens this year, besides the Roswell memo being declassified. Also lots of movies about comets and natural disasters, like "2012" and "The Knowing". not to mention the press talking about comets and solar storms. Rich people are buying bunkers like crazy. The people behind these movies know what is coming. They have already prepared. Have you???
    So when all this craziness takes place this fall, just remember you heard it from kleinbottleopener!

    The Omega Man

    Dressed as an aristocrat
    *Spoiler Alert* In this film based on the story "I Am Legend", Charlton Heston plays "the last man alive" after a bio weapon kills everyone else.Turns out there are other survivors, some normal, and some turned into photo-phobic albinos who become mind-controlled followers of a religious cult once their disease is activated. (see previous post Will the Undead Play a Role in the New World Order?)  The film indicates that Heston's character is a member of the Illuminati in three ways:
    1. His house has a black and white checkerboard floor, like the floor of every masonic lodge, and his doorways are flanked by two very noticeable ornate pillars, like Jachin and Boaz.
    2. He is a member of the elite, a biowarfare specialist. He sometimes dresses in the manner of old aristocracy and enjoys chess and fine art.
    3. When he introduces himself to Dutch, the leader of the healthy survivors, Lisa, another survivor says, "Well if the Masonic rites are over...". She really does say it, check it with the subtitles on. What's odd is that the scene seems to have nothing Masonic about it.

    The Star Children

    At the end of the film, the Omega Man is killed in a fountain, his body laid out in an obviously Crucifixion-like pose. Through Heston's vaccine, he is able to save the New World of survivors, but he himself is the dying Old Order, as the movie states. This Christ (or Antichrist?) figure gives the vaccine to a group of children, all of who are mysteriously unaffected by the disease. These represent the Star Children, Starseed or Rainbow Warriors of the future. In the film, they come from all different races and live together in harmony to start the human race anew, as Dutch says "like the garden of Eden". Richie, one of them, says that Heston is "not like them" because he is "hostile". Heston is the old age of killing and science, the surviving children are the new world of peace and love under the one Creator. Anyone who survives the next few years will certainly be grateful for some peace and love!

    Illuminati Logo pt. 1

    Eye within the pyramid symbolism
    I noticed this logo on my soymilk carton, also on Dona Maria's Mole sauce carton. Apparently Tetrapak makes cardboard cartons for food products, including wine, juice boxes and sour cream. Kinda creeped me out to think about eating something out of one of their containers. Who knows what chemicals are in it?

    Any of these look familiar?

    Ghostbusters and Skyline

    The Temple of Gozer
    "Ghostbusters" doesn't even try to hide what it's about. There's a glowing pyramid on top of what may be Nicola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower (see previous post "Will the Undead Play a Role in the New World Order?"). There's ancient Sumerian deities/Annunaki. There's even a direct reference to the Biblical End Times ("Dogs and cats, living together...")

    "Skyline"-Look for the skyscrapers in a similar aerial shot

    I will save you from watching "Skyline" by just giving you a plot summary. Please, don't watch this film. It is more like a modern horror film rather than sci-fi. Basically, there are a bunch of young sexy people who have drama, then aliens come and the whole plot revolves around who is going to die next. Near the latter part of the film, as helicopters are flying over ruined L.A., you can see in the lower right a skyscraper than is very obviously an eye in cross section. Soon after, the helicopters fly over a skyscraper that is an equilateral triangle in cross section, also in the lower right. I'm assuming these aren't based on real buildings in L.A. Then why did they take the effort to purposefully CG them into the film? Eye + triangle...I wonder what message they are sending? Also, the film was released on 11/11/10. For the occult meaning of 1111, see here.

    Friday, May 20, 2011

    Will the undead play a role in the New World Order?

    The CDC has just come out with a web comic and a new set of guidelines to survive a "Zombie Apocalypse". (Read Vigilant Citizen's analysis here.) 
    The US Army Zombie Combat Command has training manuals and everything for the Zombie Apocalypse.
    Then there's the Miami face-eater and the flesh-eating virus making the news. What is going on here?
    Shaun of the Dead-beheading with axes
            Most conspiracy theorists believe that the phenomenon of apocalyptic zombie/vampire movies just serves as another example of the fear-mongering perpetrated by the Illuminati within Hollywood. But is there more to it? Both zombies and vampires have been portrayed as mindless victims of a disease or plague (see "Last Man on Earth" and "I Am Legend"), which could end up being very real.

                If these movies are indeed "predictive" of Illuminati plans, then the zombie and vampire genre could shed with a perplexing question about the Book of Revelation. Revelation 20:4  specifically mentions that the people executed by the New World Order for not receiving the Mark of the Beast would be “slain with axes [beheaded] for witnessing to Jesus”. Why only one specific method of execution?
    The predictive programming of zombie and vampire films provides a possible explanation: the only way to kill a zombie or a vampire for sure is to cut off the head, i.e. "behead"  or “slay with an axe” or similar implement. In Hollywood lore, both zombies, aliens and vampires have been equated with infection. The only “cure” is decapitation. Could those who resist the Mark be labeled as either infected with a disease, or accused of being evil, undead creatures? This isn’t as far out as it seems. The movie “Legion” specifically portrays Christians, along anyone who does the will of God as hideous zombies that are “possessed by the angels of God”.  Only way to kill ‘em? Decapitation.
    A Christian zombie in Legion
            Picture this: the government announces there is some disease that makes people into something equivalent to zombies or vampires, quickly creating mayhem. The vaccine or cure is an injection in the forehead or right hand, i.e. the Mark of the Beast. All who don’t get the vaccine are potentially infected and must be decapitated. In most zombie movies, the zombies are easy to pick out from their appearance and behavior, but in other stories, there are “crypto-zombies” who are infected, but seem like ordinary people. Recently I came across an article in one of those grocery store tabloids, talking about how to tell if your neighbor is actually a zombie. All this could lead to a real-life witch hunt for “the infected” who seem outwardly normal, but refuse the vaccine or Mark.
                Here’s where it gets weirder….many movies reference the idea of an “army of the dead”. Both vampires and zombies are considered "undead". This “army of the dead” concept occurs in the Mummy series. In the Harry Potter series it is called “the Inferi Curse”. I also noticed it “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” with Nicolas Cage (produced by Saturn Films!). The villain, Morgana LaFey, plans to cast a spell called “the Rising” which brings to life an army of corpses. To do this she must first go to a special tower in New York and create a giant pentagram of magical fire. She is defeated by the technology of Nicola Tesla. I almost fell out of my chair when I watched “Ghostbusters” a few weeks later and noticed the similarities between it and "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". At the end of "Ghostbusters", it's revealed that the “heightened paranormal activity”, unleashes hundreds of ghosts on the city, like an army of the dead, before the coming of the Sumerian gods. In order for the gods to appear, the top of this special NYC tower, built “by a mad doctor” must be used as a temple to invoke them. The nerdy Ghostbuster explains that this tower was built specifically as "a superconductor for spiritual energy".

    Tesla technology in The Sorcerer's Apprentice
                But there actually IS a strange tower in New York City. It’s called the Wardenclyffe Tower, and it was built by none other than..... "mad scientist" Nicola Tesla! It was designed for channeling electrical energy, but some people believe that it was used to initiate the Tunguska Event. Recent daylight UFO sightings over New York City have been connected to the Wardenclyffe Tower by a CIA puppet site.

    Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower in NYC
            So what does all this mean? It's possible that zombie/vampire films are predictive programming and point to a future plot of the Illuminati and the Antichrist. My best guess is that a false Antichrist (or Anti-Antichrist) or alien force will hypnotize people using the Wardenclyffe Tower and cell phone towers. These mind-controlled people would then become like zombies. This is exactly what happened in the deplorable flick "Skyline", released on 11/11/10. In it, aliens hypnotize people using a blue light. Those who succumb are "infected" with alien strength, and show symptoms of disease. The same thing happens in "Cowboys and Aliens".

          On a side note, Discover magazine ran an article this June on "the internet of things", a futuristic network of RFID chips that would track and catalog all your personal possessions and their whereabouts. The author presented this as a 100% positive development. In the article, he complains about the quality of people online, how most are really "zombie spambots trying to sell hormone pills as diet aides, and zombie humans claiming the President is an alien". How does believing that aliens have infiltrated the White House make you a zombie? Why was this odd remark placed in this particular article?

    Possible false rapture on May 21?

    The mainstream media seems to have taken an interest in Harold Camping's bizarre May 21, 2011 Rapture campaign, so by now everyone has probably heard about it. I thought that since this whole fiasco will be settled one way or another by tomorrow evening (after a earthquake that circles the entire globe!), it would be an auspicious time to predict the outcome of this craziness, document it online in my first blog post, dated May 20, 2011, and see if history proves me right by May 21. Most people would bet that the same thing will happen as when Camping predicted the Rapture in 1994; namely, nothing at all except disappointment and jeers. But I have heard speculations about a possible false Rapture, especially in connection with Project Blue Beam, and I'm guessing that is what may indeed take place. (Project Blue Beam uses part of the upper atmosphere as a projection screen for a holographic light show, a "revelation" of the false Second Coming, beamed out of Alaska by HAARP.) A false Rapture would involve the mass alien/military abduction of large numbers of people, not necessarily Christians. This would cause confusion and division for those "left behind", making it easier for the Antichrist to sway people to his side. With all the attention the media has been giving Camping's followers, could this be a possibility? They have already left everything behind and congregated together in specific locations, making a mass abduction easier. Will the government or the grays suck them up in a tractor-beam tomorrow night? Will the rest of us wish we had listened to these seeming "wackos"? Will Harold Camping get the last laugh? Or will it be a second "Great Disappointment" a la the Millerites/Seventh Day Adventists? One thing that I'm almost sure won't happen is the genuine Rapture. Camping's unsubstantiated timeline of Biblical history, and his mish-mash of scattered Bible verses practically guarantees that he is going to be off in his estimate.
    I guess I could take a few lines to scoff at the May 21 believers. Really I just feel sorry for them, a little godly compassion is warranted for these souls. I'm jealous of them. They must have an incredible buzz right now. They've had a buzz for months, they've given up the insane consumer lifestyle to go do something meaningful to them. Like people who join cults, they crave meaning, purpose and community. Can you blame them? Are they crazier than those who continue to live lives of quiet desperation?
    Maybe there is no connection between Harold Camping and the false Rapture, maybe it's just another case of bad scholarship and gullible people. Once I found out that the Illuminati control basically, like, everything in the US and the world, I have learned to see the sinister agendas behind event the most seemingly harmless things. But not everything is connected. However, it's nice for once to have a conspiracy theory that can be easily verified one way or another, truth or fiction by 7pm Saturday night. Hopefully tomorrow will prove me wrong and everyone will go home the wiser, tails between their legs, feeling like a bunch of schmucks.

    UPDATE Nothing happened. Ok, I was wrong about the false Rapture. But I have already heard people say "Oh, 2012 and all that comet stuff is no big deal. Look at that guy who predicted the end of the world in May." I think this is exactly what the powers that  be intended to happen. They might have put together the whole May 21 Rapture thing, which was well-funded and got unusual media attention. People can point to this and Y2K and feel safe, like somehow everything in America will just keep going on the way it is, despite the "doomsayers". They will be in for a rude awakening.