Thursday, June 7, 2012

Zombies and Aliens: Predictive programming is getting intense!

Man in Black or Grey Alien? Or both?

UPDATE 1: Just a quick update regarding my earlier post connecting zombies, diseases and aliens. The CDC has put out a comic book about a "fictional" zombie virus occurring in the southeast US.

Put this together with the recent headlines about the "flesh-eating virus" in the SE and Miami's two zombie attacks, and I am officially creeped out. Time to lay low and pray you and your family won't be part of the depopulation event.

UPDATE 2: My favorite piece of mind-numbing predictive programing, FOX's "Fringe", has taken a creepy new turn. I wrote about its symbolism previously. In Season 4, the episode called "Brave New World part 1" is a more sinister depiction of what the NWO will look like. The city is in lock-down, run by the Observers. Humans are monitored in all their activities as the Observer-run government tries to defeat the human resistance. Some humans are even given a tattooed "mark" on the face if they choose to serve the Observers. All soldiers have the mark, as do some prostitutes. Trying to make a statement?

The Observers represent the Grey aliens: First, they lack all hair, just like the aliens. Second, they are only male (Greys are asexual clones). Third, they communicate telepathically, just like the Greys. Fourth, they sexually enjoy human women, like the Watchers of the Bible (also, the Observers are literally "watchers"). Fifth, they have advanced technology and long lives.

On a side note, if the Observers are supposed to be the future evolution of humans, isn't it odd that they are all pasty white? What happened to all the brown people? Did the NWO kill them off?

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