For those of you who don't know, Comet Elenin is due to pass very close to the Earth this fall, closer than the moon, closer than any comet in history.(CORRECTION: It will not be closer to the Earth than the moon.) We have already been in alignment with it and the Sun three times, according to NASA's own simulation ( Each of those days experienced a major earthquake (2/27/10, Chile; 2/22/11, New Zealand; and 3/11/11, Japan). The comet will align with us and the sun two more times, both this fall. We will also pass through it's tail this fall, causing what may the biggest meteor shower in history. Could this be the time in Revelation 6:13 when "the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places"?
Sergio Toscano, director of Astronomical Missions of Research for Chile, speculates that the "globular cluster" tailing the comet/brown dwarf is actually an alien fleet. This 'comet" surely could be Niburu, the home of the Annunaki, the bringer of natural disasters, "the Purifier" to Native Americans, "Planet X" to scientists, "Wormwood" in the Christian Bible.
Elenin was supposed discovered by an "amateur astronomer" named Elenin, but since this guy doesn't seem to have existed until a few years ago, he's probably fake. Besides, how could an amateur pull that off?
For the story on Elenin, read
Elenin in "Fiction":
"The Event" is a TV show where a black president wants to tell the American public about ETs. (see
here). There is also a black president wrestling with disclosure in the film "Deep Impact". In that movie an
amatuer astronomer discovers a comet that will crash into earth. The comet is referred to as "E.L.E." for "extinction-level-event". But this movie was made in 1998! How could they have known that in the near future a comet called "ELE-nin", discovered by an amateur astronomer, would come extremely close to the Earth, and a black president would have to announce it? How would they know, unless the Illuminati is pulling the strings behind everything?
Even more disturbing is the take-home message of Battle LA (same name as WWII UFO
battle that took place in real life). For those who haven't seen it, don't bother. It seems to be entirely designed for people in the military. Giving them a subconscious preparation for what is to come maybe? In the movie, what is called a "meteor shower", like the one predicted this fall, actually turns out to be a full-on invasion of Earth. You can see in one of the TV's that the soldiers are watching, that the day of the meteor shower is 4/11/11. The movie was released in the US on 3/11/11. (For 11:11 and the Illuminati, see
here) This whole black president/comet/ELE/meteor thing is way beyond coincidence, and anyone who read this should be seriously disturbed! Just before dying, Werner von Braun gave an
interview to a Dr. Rosin, where he disclosed three "deceptions" that would happen in the future. First, that a fake terrorist attack would be used by the govt. to further their agenda. Second, the govt. would announce a comet will crash into Earth- also a hoax to scare people into their agenda. Finally, he said the govt would announce an alien invasion, which would also be hoaxed.
There seems to be a real spate of movies and TV shows about aliens this year, besides the Roswell memo being declassified. Also lots of movies about comets and natural disasters, like "2012" and "The Knowing". not to mention the press talking about comets and solar storms. Rich people are buying bunkers like crazy. The people behind these movies know what is coming. They have already prepared. Have you???
So when all this craziness takes place this fall, just remember you heard it from kleinbottleopener!