Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pushing Red #40- A New Conspiracy?

Notice the slurpee!
Watching and re-watching the TV show "Fringe", I thought it was odd how often the characters ate red licorice. Walter eats it, Peter eats it. Ok, that makes sense, they are eccentric. But why is one of the silver-blooded soldiers from another world shown eating red licorice? No explanation. Then I saw George Clooney eating it while driving in "The Men Who Stare at Goats". No explanation is given, nothing in the plot that would explain why the director chose to film them eating this particular candy. " Wayne's World" and the recent alien flick "Super 8" also promote it. "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" features a shot of a red cup full of red licorice that almost fills the entire screen. Walter from "Fringe" also has a penchant for red slurpees. He's even shown drinking one on the cover of the season two DVD case. It is the only thing on the cover that is colorful. .It is easier to see in real life instead of the above photo. But why bother? What does it mean?
Turns out both red slurpees and red licorice are dyed with Red #40. Many people are allergic to it. It's also a known carcinogen. Why is it being promoted?  Have they increased the toxicity of it? Just another way of depopulation?
After watching "Transformers: Dark of the Moon", I planned to include the red licorice sighting on this post. As I was leaving the theater, what should happen to be directly on my path? A single stick of red licorice. Just letting me know that I really am living in the matrix I guess.

The Men Who Stare at Goats

What's that in the background of the movie poster?
"Men Who Stare at Goats" is a must-see for any conspiracy buff. The two main characters meet each other because one of them is doodling a familiar symbol: a pyramid made of bricks, with a large eye in the capstone. This drawing is noticed by George Clooney, who then initiates the main character and allows him to become one of the elites, those who know what that symbol means.
This doodle is a turning point in the plot.
 It also appears in the background of the New Earth Army, and it's inverted for the logo of the evil company that Kevin Spacey runs. Inversion is important is Dark magic: just look at the inverted cross of Satanism, the inverted pentagram used in the Republican logo. Or ever wonder why Sheriffs' deparments use an inverted septagram as their logo?
Kevin Spacey's company uses psychic powers for experimentation and torture. The movie says they are "the dark side". Of course blaming an evil private company distracts the viewers from the fact that our own military has had a long-standing policy of supporting torture and experimentation on human (and animal) subjects.
The evil company's logo-an inverted triangle with a central eye.
In the film, George Clooney explains that the eye-in-the-pyramid is a symbol of the Ajna chakra, the Third Eye. This is to deceive the uninformed movie viewer. The ajna energy center, or Third Eye, is involved in psychic powers and intuition, making it a perfect "cover story" for this movie. The Third Eye is symbolized by many things: the colors indigo or white, the Moon, Neptune and the unicorn, but never a pyramid with an eye. The All-Seeing-Eye is loosely associated with the Third Eye, but this movie is deceiving the audience. The Eye-in-the-Pyramid represents the Masons, the Illuminati, the Eye of Horus, Satan and the Demiurge himself watching over our world control grid like Sauron glowering over Middle Earth. The Third Eye has another symbol entirely.
Ayurvedic symbol for the Third Eye, or Ajna Chakra.

Sauron watching the world--DARPA's first logo. The Latin translates to "Knoweldge is power."

And it is no accident that the goat is such a central motif is the movie. The "horny goat" or Baphomet is a beloved symbol of the Occult dark side. In the climax of the film, George Clooney rescues a goat from cruel experimentation. I am completely opposed to animal experimentation, but I'm just saying, doesn't George carrying the goat remind you of an inverted Jesus, carrying his lost lamb?

The fictional "New Earth Army" is based on the very real "First Earth Battalion" described in the book "Men Who Stare at Goats" by Jon Ronson. It's actual training manual is available in full at It is chock full of symbols and ideas, a great example of "partial disclosure"---mixing truths and lies. You can even get T-shirts for you or your dog with the fictional New Earth Army logo on it. If you feel like wearing the All-Seeing-Eye and Baphomet on your person!

FOX's "Fringe"

There is a lot to say about the TV show Fringe. Here are a few of the things I've noticed. Feel free to add more.
1. In Episode 9, Olivia discovers a piece of paper with MONARCH written on it. This is never really explained or resolved. She also researches monarch butterflies and royal monarchs. In Season 3, "Bloodline", the pregant Fauxlivia is shown in front of a picture of a monarch butterly in the hospital. Project Monarch in real life is a CIA/Illuminati mind-control program, inflicted on children mostly. Mind control is a theme of the show. For more, see Project Monarch.

2. In the pilot, Olivia charges a suspect with breaking "Code 1111". For occult meaning of 1111, see here.

3. The Cortexiphan subjects represent the Star Children or Starseed- warriors with psychic powers who need to be "activated" to protect our world.

Red and blue in a nod to Twin Peaks.
4. The red and blue symbolism is overwhelming. Blue represents our world, red represents the parallel universe. It also happens to symbolize the two colors of Lodges in Freemasonry. Besides the actual DVDs of Season 3, the red/blue opposition is in every episode multpile times, far too many to write down. The color scheme of Fringe is very controlled: the background almost always consists of greys and browns. Any color stands out, and is intended to by J.J. Abrams. For example, see how many pink roses are in the house in "6B". The reds and blues stand out purposefully, they are everywhere in the background. Sometimes a golden yellow color is also added, as in the three paintings on Walternate's wall, or the balloons in the Cabbage Patch Doll shop in the finale of Season 2.

5. Olivia is "Subject 13" (occult number) in the trials. I haven't figured out any significance behind the numbers in "Amber 31422" or "6995 KHZ". Anybody have an idea?

6. The Red #40 thing. On the cover of Season 2, Walter is drinking a red slurpee, dyed with Red #40. The red slurpee also appears in "Concentrate and Ask Again".  And Walter loves red licorice, also Red #40. Peters obtain red licorice for Walter three times in Season 3 and many times in Seasons 1 and 2. Ok, so it's just a Walter eccentricity, right? Wrong. In "The Abducted", Olivia and alternate-Charlie discuss and eat Red Vines licorice. In Season 1, the Observers are shown drinking red slurpees outside the theater. William Bell for some strange reason, is chewing on red licorice as he and Walter drive along in the finale of Season 2. By Season 3, it's become a joke. Peter says "I never did understand why Walter loves licorice so much." Just a director's quirk or something more? See my post Pushing Red #40?

7. "The First People" sound a lot like the Atlanteans. And Walter mentions that once we had much higher mental and psychic capabilities, but our brains were altered, "I suspect by aliens" he says. They are called Annunaki in real life, and if you haven't read about them, do it!

8. Peter, the special boy born to save both worlds, is a Christ/Anti-Christ like figure. He also has glowing eyes in the drawing, just like the Messiah figure in "Avatar, The Last Airbender".

9. The "alternate universe" is basically a preview of life under the New World Order, complete with ubiquitous biometric ID cards, food rationing, and cameras everywhere. Besides the military taking over the Statue of liberty!

10. In the finale of Season 3, the show takes up a totally new plot line in the future world of 2021. In this future, there is a group of terrorists called the "End-of-Dayers". They are blowing up innocent people to somehow fulfill their prophecy of a savior and hasten the "end of days". This is code for Christian terrorists. It's just like in the Jack van Impe movie "Apocalypse 2: Revelation", where the New World Order plants bombs to kill kids then blames it on the Christians. (Not that I am a Jack van Impe fan, by any means.) But this is creepily coinciding with a leaked report on who law enforcement considers to be "potential domestic terrorists". This is how it's gonna be when the NWO takes over. The Christians and any one who resists will be falsely accused.

"So how does a person qualify as a potential domestic terrorist?  Based on the training I have attended, here are characteristics that qualify:

  • Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
  • Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
  • Survivalist literature (fictional books such as "Patriots" and "One Second After" are mentioned by name)
  • Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
  • Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
  • Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
  • Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
  • Homeschooling
  • Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
  • Belief in a New World Order conspiracy"

URGENT: Comet Elenin predictive programming indicates alien contact in Fall 2011

For those of you who don't know, Comet Elenin is due to pass very close to the Earth this fall, closer than the moon, closer than any comet in history.(CORRECTION: It will not be closer to the Earth than the moon.) We have already been in alignment with it and the Sun three times, according to NASA's own simulation ( Each of those days experienced a major earthquake (2/27/10, Chile; 2/22/11, New Zealand; and 3/11/11, Japan). The comet will align with us and the sun two more times, both this fall. We will also pass through it's tail this fall, causing what may the biggest meteor shower in history. Could this be the time in Revelation 6:13 when "the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places"?  Sergio Toscano, director of Astronomical Missions of Research for Chile, speculates that the "globular cluster" tailing the comet/brown dwarf is actually an alien fleet. This 'comet" surely could be Niburu, the home of the Annunaki, the bringer of natural disasters, "the Purifier" to Native Americans, "Planet X" to scientists, "Wormwood" in the Christian Bible.
Elenin was supposed discovered by an "amateur astronomer" named Elenin, but since this guy doesn't seem to have existed until a few years ago, he's probably fake. Besides, how could an amateur pull that off?
For the story on Elenin, read this

Elenin in "Fiction":

"The Event" is a TV show where a black president wants to tell the American public about ETs. (see here). There is also a black president wrestling with disclosure in the film "Deep Impact".   In that movie an amatuer astronomer discovers a comet that will crash into earth. The comet is referred to as "E.L.E." for "extinction-level-event". But this movie was made in 1998! How could they have known that in the near future a comet called "ELE-nin", discovered by an amateur astronomer,  would come extremely close to the Earth, and a black president would have to announce it? How would they know, unless the Illuminati is pulling the strings behind everything?

Even more disturbing is the take-home message of Battle LA (same name as WWII UFO battle that took place in real life). For those who haven't seen it, don't bother. It seems to be entirely designed for people in the military. Giving them a subconscious preparation for what is to come maybe? In the movie, what is called a "meteor shower", like the one predicted this fall, actually turns out to be a full-on invasion of Earth. You can see in one of the TV's that the soldiers are watching, that the day of the meteor shower is 4/11/11. The movie was released in the US on 3/11/11. (For 11:11 and the Illuminati, see here) This whole black president/comet/ELE/meteor thing is way beyond coincidence, and anyone who read this should be seriously disturbed! Just before dying, Werner von Braun gave an interview to a Dr. Rosin, where he disclosed three "deceptions" that would happen in the future. First, that a fake terrorist attack would be used by the govt. to further their agenda. Second, the govt. would announce a comet will crash into Earth- also a hoax to scare people into their agenda. Finally, he said the govt would announce an alien invasion, which would also be hoaxed.
There seems to be a real spate of movies and TV shows about aliens this year, besides the Roswell memo being declassified. Also lots of movies about comets and natural disasters, like "2012" and "The Knowing". not to mention the press talking about comets and solar storms. Rich people are buying bunkers like crazy. The people behind these movies know what is coming. They have already prepared. Have you???
So when all this craziness takes place this fall, just remember you heard it from kleinbottleopener!

The Omega Man

Dressed as an aristocrat
*Spoiler Alert* In this film based on the story "I Am Legend", Charlton Heston plays "the last man alive" after a bio weapon kills everyone else.Turns out there are other survivors, some normal, and some turned into photo-phobic albinos who become mind-controlled followers of a religious cult once their disease is activated. (see previous post Will the Undead Play a Role in the New World Order?)  The film indicates that Heston's character is a member of the Illuminati in three ways:
1. His house has a black and white checkerboard floor, like the floor of every masonic lodge, and his doorways are flanked by two very noticeable ornate pillars, like Jachin and Boaz.
2. He is a member of the elite, a biowarfare specialist. He sometimes dresses in the manner of old aristocracy and enjoys chess and fine art.
3. When he introduces himself to Dutch, the leader of the healthy survivors, Lisa, another survivor says, "Well if the Masonic rites are over...". She really does say it, check it with the subtitles on. What's odd is that the scene seems to have nothing Masonic about it.

The Star Children

At the end of the film, the Omega Man is killed in a fountain, his body laid out in an obviously Crucifixion-like pose. Through Heston's vaccine, he is able to save the New World of survivors, but he himself is the dying Old Order, as the movie states. This Christ (or Antichrist?) figure gives the vaccine to a group of children, all of who are mysteriously unaffected by the disease. These represent the Star Children, Starseed or Rainbow Warriors of the future. In the film, they come from all different races and live together in harmony to start the human race anew, as Dutch says "like the garden of Eden". Richie, one of them, says that Heston is "not like them" because he is "hostile". Heston is the old age of killing and science, the surviving children are the new world of peace and love under the one Creator. Anyone who survives the next few years will certainly be grateful for some peace and love!

Illuminati Logo pt. 1

Eye within the pyramid symbolism
I noticed this logo on my soymilk carton, also on Dona Maria's Mole sauce carton. Apparently Tetrapak makes cardboard cartons for food products, including wine, juice boxes and sour cream. Kinda creeped me out to think about eating something out of one of their containers. Who knows what chemicals are in it?

Any of these look familiar?

Ghostbusters and Skyline

The Temple of Gozer
"Ghostbusters" doesn't even try to hide what it's about. There's a glowing pyramid on top of what may be Nicola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower (see previous post "Will the Undead Play a Role in the New World Order?"). There's ancient Sumerian deities/Annunaki. There's even a direct reference to the Biblical End Times ("Dogs and cats, living together...")

"Skyline"-Look for the skyscrapers in a similar aerial shot

I will save you from watching "Skyline" by just giving you a plot summary. Please, don't watch this film. It is more like a modern horror film rather than sci-fi. Basically, there are a bunch of young sexy people who have drama, then aliens come and the whole plot revolves around who is going to die next. Near the latter part of the film, as helicopters are flying over ruined L.A., you can see in the lower right a skyscraper than is very obviously an eye in cross section. Soon after, the helicopters fly over a skyscraper that is an equilateral triangle in cross section, also in the lower right. I'm assuming these aren't based on real buildings in L.A. Then why did they take the effort to purposefully CG them into the film? Eye + triangle...I wonder what message they are sending? Also, the film was released on 11/11/10. For the occult meaning of 1111, see here.